Information for authors

Information for authors and reviewers

Digital Economy World is a reviewed popular-scientific journal dealing with the up-to-date economic trends connected to information and communication technologies, e.g. e-commerce, e-marketing or e-business. Only the economic papers, studies, and analyses related to the new or digital economy will be published. This journal is focused on the newest aspects and economic research in the fields of digitalization, gamification, virtualization, streaming, Internet mobility, globalization of economy etc. The mission of this journal is to create a space for gathering scientific knowledge and original papers on digital economy which have not been previously published. The expert community will not only have the opportunity to gain and enrich their knowledge, but also to publish and present the results of their own researches.

The articles must thematically correspond to the focus of the journal and have the structure of a scientific paper. The topic and the content of the articles will be assessed by the editorial board. The decision if an article will be published or not is made by the chief editor. Publishing of the articles depends on the results of the reviewing process and is possible only after the revision of all the reviewer’s remarks. By submitting an article the author confirms that the article is his own original text which have not been previously published and gives the publisher the right to publish it.

Format requirements:

  • The length of the article should not be more than 10 standard typed pages (ie. 18 000 characters including spaces). The article also should not contain more than 7 images and/or tables.
  • The articles should be provided as .doc or .docx file. The images should be placed separately as .tif, .xls, .jpg or similar files. There should be a corresponding table of data to every graph and scheme and description to every provided image. The tables are to be labelled as Table, images, graphs etc. as Figure. Figures and tables should not be placed directly into the text. Their position should be marked in the text, but the originals are to be send as attachments. In case of using copied data state their resources in a way that enables finding them.
  • The articles must be written in English according to the spelling rules of this language.
  • The individual resources are to be consecutively numbered and referred to by using the number in square brackets. All resources cited in the articles must be stated in the works cited section. Responsibility for the accuracy of bibliographic citation lies entirely with the author.
  • Equations contained in the articles must be consecutively numbered and are referred to by the number in round brackets.
  • Symbols, marks and abbreviations used in the text should be listed with their explanations separately.
  • The article must contain: title of the article (in English and in Czech), abstract (brief description of the content and the achieved results, in English and Czech), keywords (in English and in Czech), the body of the text (in English), references according to ČSN ISO 690 or MLA in alphabetic order. It is also necessary to attach brief academic background with contacts (phone number, email address, personal address or address of the workplace – for sending a copy of the journal).

Ethical code

All participants in Digital Economy World publishing are committed to keep to the following rules and obligations:

Authors are responsible for:

  • submitting articles that are their own original work. In case of using work and/or citation from other authors it must be cited accordingly.
  • stating anyone whose contribution was significant as a co-author. Author is also responsible for ensuring that all co-authors agree on the final version of the article and on its publishing.
  • submitting accurate data about conducted research including objective evaluation of its contribution.
  • stating accurate resource data so as to enable the recreation of the research.
  • ensuring that the article is not published in other journal or publication, nor will be.
  • stating each and every financial or other conflict of interests which could influence the results stated in the article or their interpretation.
  • contacting the editor or the publisher immediately if a crucial mistake or inaccuracy is found in the submitted article.

Reviewers agree:

  • to take part in making decisions concerning publishing.
  • to only evaluate the scientific content of the articles and to provide objective reviews. If a reviewer for any reason is not capable of providing such a review before deadline, editor must be informed about it.
  • to not evaluate the articles in case it creates conflict of interests or in case of competitive relation.
  • to deal with each and every article as a confidential material.
  • to alert the editor to any significant reason for which publishing of an article could be denied including similarities with any other published article.

Editors is responsible for:

  • accepting the articles from all authors regardless their sex, race, religion, sexual orientation, ethnic origin, nationality or political philosophy.
  • providing the first evaluation of the article considering the form and topic to ensure that the article corresponds to the theme of the journal.
  • ensuring all published articles are anonymously reviewed before their publication.
  • ensuring there are no conflicts of interests during reviewing nor there will be created by publishing of the article.
  • ensuring each and every article is checked by the plagiarism detection system. If plagiarism or falsification is suspected the reviewing and publishing of the article will be suspended.
  • deciding which articles will be published according to the policy of the journal editorial board.
  • publishing revisions if needed.
  • withdrawing of the article in case of falsification or significant error. Withdrawal must be agreed upon by the editorial board.
  • ensuring all the information included in the submitted articles are confidential. The editor also agrees he or she will not use the unpublished material for his or her own research without written permission from the author(s) of the submitted article.
  • the decisions not to be influenced by income from commercial activities, e.g. advertisements etc.

DEW focuses mainly on these topics

„Digital Agenda in EU

  • „EU projects, Strategy, Regulations

„TELCO, Communication Technologies

„Digital Society

  • „Smart Living, Transportation, Energetic Solution, E-government, E-Health, Privacy

„Digital Economy and Entrepreneurship

  • „Startups, ICT, Cloud Solutions, Digital Payments, Data Mining, Big Data

„E-Commerce, Digital Media and Online Marketing

„Globalization of the economy, etc.